Datenite: 20240207 ========================================== Observatory : bsm_s Start of Run : 10:23:19 07-Feb-2024 UT End of Run : 18:56:18 07-Feb-2024 UT Start of Run : 21:23:19 07-Feb-2024 Local End of Run : 05:56:18 08-Feb-2024 Local Run Length : 8:32:59 Total Targets : 33 Total Images : 361 / 666 net after stacking / raw images ========================================== Images : Target_Name Filters ========================================== Project: AAVSO_P114_CJCA_AUTO time spent: 223 min 100 : RMC_123 B I SR V 100 : RMC_84 B I SR V Project: AAVSO_P120_WFM_AUTO time spent: 16 min 9/ 24 : V1280_Sco B I SR V 12 : V5856_Sgr B I SR V Project: AAVSO_P133_PEX_AUTO time spent: 7 min 8 : S_Dor B I SR V Project: AAVSO_P180_BTSB_AUTO time spent: 25 min 12/ 72 : NO_Pup B V Project: AAVSO_P199_PEX_AUTO time spent: 6 min 5/ 20 : NSV_3379 B I R V Project: AAVSO_P210_BPEC_AUTO time spent: 51 min 16/ 28 : V0616_Mon B I SR V Project: AAVSO_P224_RBCA_AUTO time spent: 6 min 9/ 15 : RS_Oph B I V Project: AAVSO_P257_BENS_AUTO time spent: 12 min 2 : V1159_Ori V Project: AAVSO_P266_BPEC_AUTO time spent: 19 min 12 : V0818_Sco B I SR V Project: AAVSO_P355_DTLB_AUTO time spent: 24 min 12 : V725_Sgr B I R V Project: AAVSO_P400_KCLA_AUTO time spent: 5 min 9 : WR25 B I V Project: AAVSO_P422_YPFA_AUTO time spent: 20 min 4/118 : bet_Dor B I R V Project: AAVSO_P72_ReaMartin_AUTO time spent: 8 min 4/ 8 : R_Oct I V Project: AAVSO_P97_WEY_AUTO time spent: 6 min 6/ 13 : BL_Tel B I SR V Project: AAVSO_P99ARMADARev1_MZK_AUTO time spent: 10 min 3/ 15 : HD153370 B R V 5/ 15 : HD16753 B R V Project: AAVSO_P99_DKS_AUTO time spent: 16 min 4/ 27 : U_Mon B I SR V Project: AAVSO_SouthSurvey_HQ_AUTO time spent: 44 min 2/ 3 : FZ_Vir B V 2 : HY_Vir B V 2 : KS_Vir B V 2 : LL_Vir B V 2 : OQ_Ser B V 3/ 12 : psi_Vir B V 3/ 12 : R_Hor B V 1 : RT_Sco B 2 : SV_Crv B V 2 : SW_Vir B V 2 : T_Hor B V 2/ 3 : V1002_Cen B V 2/ 9 : VV_Crv B V 2 : XY_Hor B V ========================================== 361/666 : Total images, net after stacking / raw images 496 : Total time spent (min) 9 : percent in background/survey projects 14 : Min DB Size(MB) 14 : Max DB Size(MB) ==========================================